오하요 부평점 | 합리적인 가격대! 새로운 일본감성바

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일본식 인테리어와 저렴하고 맛있는 메뉴로 유명한 이곳이 부평에 새롭게 오픈했다는 소식을 듣고 찾아갔습니다.
오하요 부평점 위치 | 영업시간 | 일-월 17:30~04:00금-토 16:30~05:00 화장실 | 매장 내부는 남성과 여성이 분리되어 있습니다.
네이버 예약 가능, 0507-1360-9480 50m 네이버(주) 더보기 /OpenStreetMap 지도데이터 x 네이버(주) /OpenStreetMap Map Controller Legend Real Estate 산고리읍, 동시, 구군, 구시군, 도가 오하요 부평지점 인천광역시 부평구 경원대로 1403번길 20-8 1층 2층 예약 매장 밖 포토골목에 들어서면 눈에 띄는 매장,,,!
부평의 새로운 바 오하이요 부평점은 밝은 조명의 간판이 민트색과 파란색 간판으로 되어 있어서 상큼한 분위기가 나고 예뻐요> The lighting seemed a little brighter on the first floor. The second floor had fewer tables than the first floor (4 seats for 4 people, 4 seats by the window), and the tables were more separated from each other. It was a better atmosphere for chatting with friends!
The decorations on the walls and ceiling brought out the Japanese sensibility, and the window bar was perfect for drinking alone. The women's restroom was right next to the stairs on the second floor!
There is a menu and tablet at the seat, so you can conveniently order (pay on the first floor when you leave!
) Ohaiyo Menu Previous imageNext image There are a lot of different types of highballs and sours, and the prices are cheap> Food prices start from 4,000-5,000 won, and the expensive ones are about 13,000 won, so it was nice that it was an affordable price range to order and try several menus. Menus I ordered. Addicted Neapolitan – 10,800 Won Duck Yuzu Salad – 6,800 Won Ohajyo Dango – 5,400 Won Yuza Sour – 4,300 Won ———–Total of 27,300 Won I ordered 3 dishes and a drink, but it didn’t cost 30,000 Won, so I was a solo drinker. The side dish above was chicken leg snacks 🙂 I ordered the first round of addictive Neapolitan, Ojaillo Dango, and Yuzu Sour, and the Sour was poured right away at the bar, and the dish came out in about 5 minutes!
First of all, I was surprised that the visual of the food was exactly the same as the menu!
The food was so pretty that it was worth taking a picture of. And the yuzu sourdough was highly carbonated and the refreshing taste of the yuzu was really good. It wasn't too sweet and was refreshing and clean, so it was good to eat with the food. !
The addictive Neapolitan is topped with mini fries and a sour Neapolitan with plenty of vegetables, mushrooms, and sausage!
The sausage was salty and delicious, not cheap!
The portion is just enough for one person!
Ohayo Dango is a savory rice cake dipped in sweet honey. Since I dipped it in soybean powder, it was sweet and great as a dessert>!
And this is a new discovery. It's delicious. The duck yuzu salad on the menu I wanted was refreshing!
It's a cabbage salad with plenty of yuzu dressing wrapped in duck slices. The salad was refreshing, so it was a light and clean menu. Even though I was a bit full. I ate it up in an instant. It's a menu item that you won't feel guilty eating when dieting... ? Overall Review A Japanese-style bar with a good atmosphere where you can enjoy a variety of food and drinks at an affordable price!
A great place to go when drinking alone, with friends, or on a date!
If I go again, I want to try the duck yuzu salad with a highball >< #부평맛집 #부평술집 #인천술집 #인천핫플레이스 #부평핫플레이스 #인천하이볼 #부평하이볼 #부평이자카야 #부평술집 #테마거리술집 #부평핫플레이스 #부평데이트 #인천맛집 #인천핫플레이스 #인천데이트 #일본느낌 #감성바 #포토레스토랑